Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Purple Sheep Project - Design Thinking

If you're not 'Design Thinking' you're not thinking!

The ongoing success of organisations lies in the embracement of Design Thinking not just in the product development department but throughout the organisation.

Great design extends beyond making things look good.Great design means creating things that people interact with on an emotional level. It means creating an experience that changes your service offering from an option to a 'must have'.

Design-led busineses know how to capture an audience and keep it.

What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking is not just about branding or advertising a finished product. Neither is it just about fantastic looking products or great applications.

Design Thinking is the art of connecting entire value chains to consider how people interact with the chain at every level. Consumers now demand excellence in product design, customer service, and the sales environment and after sales services.

Even the end-of-life of a product is now a key element that must be designed into every product at the conception stage.

To survive in future, organisations must adopt a culture of innovation that thrives within every employee.

Design Thinking is not something that is just the domain of the design department. Designers also must realise if they want their product to win they must work with sales, marketing and manufacturing to deliver a total customer experience.

It is the responsibilty of everyone to consider the needs of the customer!

Great Products are About the Total Customer Experience

Really great products and services exist when value chains collaborate to ensure that the consumer's needs are met. Products that connect with people at an emotional level can command higher values and powerful brand loyalty.

Just look at apple - The i-phone has a profound following even though its technology is far superseded by other mobile devices. Apple through consistent design thinking about the entire consumer experience of their products over decades has delivered the company a fiercely loyal fan base.

But its not just about the products. The entire method of buying an i-phone, the sales environment, and even the ability to buy applications on-line are all carefully considered and designed experiences.

Creating an Innovation Culture

Join the design revolution.

Right now an industrial revolution is going on. If you don't believe me take a look at banks, big brands and western economies. The balance of power is shifting fast from companies to consumers. People can choose whom to buy from, they can communicate good and poor experiences and they do.

If you think your company can continue for much longer without an innovation culture, you might be right, or maybe people will find another product that is better from a company that they love buying from.Change for many organisations is now essential, but it is also possible. You do not have to be a creative person.

Design thinking is about problem solving before people know there is a problem. It is about anticipating the needs of your customers and delivering a package of outstanding goods and services before they even know they need them.

Lets say your company makes wool carpet. You need to consider more than just using the very finest wool from New Zealand.

Are the colours in your range in tune with the very latest interior design trends?Are at least 20% of the products ahead of current trends?Is the retailer an expert on wool carpets?Is the retail environment in-line with your desired consumer.Does the retailer stock products that you would do well not to be associated with?Is your website filled with messages about the benefits of wool carpets, advice on maintenance, a number to call to talk to a real person?Is your product one of aspiration? Advertising on TV is dumb, but advertising in a high-end interior magazine is just the right audience (people actively looking to buy high value interior design elements)Is your company doing anything for society? Donating goods to the local community centre? Are you telling people?

The point is no matter what your company sells you are designing an experience with interacting with your brand.Every single person who adds value to your brand must embrace to concept of design thinking. They must all be involved in the process of understanding how the little things they do can make the experience with your company one that makes people happy and makes them talk about the right things.

If you do it well all your efforts will be invisible. From the outside looking in the system will just work, as people quite rightfully expect.

Do it right and you are on your way to building Brand Integrity.

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